How do I access my previous day’s orders and fills?
Modified on 2017/01/24 08:11 by Rob Erickson (Plus500) — Categorized as: Uncategorized
You can access your previous day’s orders and fills by going to our website at
At our website, click on the customer portal link.
Click the link for either the T4 Webtrader or the administrative website(Make sure you choose the appropriate environment Live or Sim).
Enter your firm, username and password and then login.
For the webtrader When you are logged in you will see historical data on the left hand side.
Click that and from there you will be able to access all orders.
If you login to the administrative website once you login select accounts on the left side.
Choose your acct underneath the search, and then you will be prompted with a list of reports you can run to view your previous days orders and fills.
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